miércoles, 18 de abril de 2018


The purpose of this blog is to show the recipes the Julián Besteiro School pupils have written in the English lessons. 
In this video you can see how children make their own recipes. 

miércoles, 11 de abril de 2018



3 cups of pastry flour
1 cup of sugar
150 g of butter
1 tablespoon of baking poder
2 lemon yogurts
2 eggs
1 grated lime
1 lemon( to make juice)


Preheat the oven at 200ºC.
Mix sugar and butter in a bowl. Add the yolks of the eggs, the flour, the baking powder, the yogurts, the juice of lemom, salt, cinnamon and the grated lime.
Separate the egg whites, add to the previous mixture and mix until you get a smooth.
Smear some molds of muffins with butter, fill them halfway with the cream and cook in a preheated oven at 200ºC for 20 minutes or until the are well done inside.

miércoles, 4 de abril de 2018



1 tube of cream cheese
4 eggs
1 envelope of yeast
1 natural yogurt (It will be the measure for all the ingredients)
Half sugar yogurt.
1 flour yogurt.
1 whole milk yogurt.
1 cheese cream yogurt.


First of all, we light the oven at 170ºC
We put the ingredients in a container, in the order that they appear on the list.
We put it in the oven and leave it until it is done.
How do we know when it is?
When we pierce the cake with a knife and it comes out dry.
The baking time is 45 minutes approximately.

Serving suggestions: add strawberry preserve on top.


    The purpose of this blog is to show the recipes the Julián Besteiro School pupils have written in the English lessons.       ...